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Guidelines for Commentary Submissions



Aspiring contributors should write essays on issues that affect K-12 education and are of interest to a broad range of people. Our readership includes school administrators, teachers, and scholars. Submissions could describe a particularly meaningful or moving personal experience, discuss issues of teaching or education policy, or reflect on teaching methods or other pedagogic issues.

Submissions should be no more than 1,200 words long. There is no minimum length, and shorter essays are welcome. We do not accept manuscripts that have been published or accepted elsewhere.


No footnotes, graphs, or illustrations should be included. Keep quotations brief—your essay should discuss your views, not summarize other people’s opinions. You can provide sources of quotations and factual references for copy-editing purposes and to validate your statements.


Please note that we cannot provide frequent updates on the status of submitted pieces that are still under consideration. All submissions accepted for publication are subject to editing for clarity, accuracy, length, and conformity to AATE Newsletter style. If substantive changes or fact-checking are required, the Commentary editors will contact the author. The editors will make minor revisions at their own discretion and without consultation with the author(s).



Please email submissions as Word attachments to Be sure to include all pertinent contact information.

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